Send WordPress emails through Postmark

Ivan Radunovic
Send WordPress emails through Postmark

When WordPress is installed on shared hosting or some cloud server by default it sends email directly from that server, which could lead to emails ending up in Spam.

This happens because email reputation is bad or it’s non-existing. In order to circumvent this it’s good idea to use a credible 3rd party email provider.

There are many email providers available on the market, I am somehow always using Amazon SES or Postmark. I won’t cover part where I open account on Postmark my focus is on the WordPress side.

SMTP plugins

When I search for SMTP plugins this is what I get:

Searching for SMTP plugin inside my WordPress
SMTP WordPress plugins

My personal favorite is the first one WP Mail SMTP by WPForms, so I’ll go with it.

After activation plugin is asking me about some details:

Choosing SMTP Mailer inside WP Mail SMTP plugin configuration screen
Choose your smtp mailer

There I see Amazon SES is a pro option, but I actually don’t need it because I will go with Postmark.

On that next page plugin is asking about:

  • Server API Token

Inside Postmark I’ve created new server named WPJack and went to API Tokens tab:

Copy pasting server API token from my Postmark account
API Tokens

I just need to copy/paste that token inside plugin and I’ll skip all other fields because they are ok.

All other screen inside plugin wizzard are optional so I will skip them all.

Sender Signatures

I tried to send my email from new email address which was not verified inside Postmark, so I need to add that.

I will add entire domain there:

Verifying my new domain signature inside Postmark
Add a domain or sender signature

I’ll choose option to add a domain:

Modal where I am entering domain

Postmark displayed new DNS records that I need to configure:

Settings for DKIM and return-path config inside Postmark for my new domain
DNS records for email

It’s time to visit my Cloudflare account and configure these records.

First DKIM record:

I am adding DKIM record to my Cloudflare account for the
DKIM DNS record

Now CNAME record:

I am adding return path DNS record for inside Cloudflare
CNAME DNS record

After this I clicked both Verify buttons inside Postmark

It seems Postmark verified my DNS records.
WordPress SMTP configuration will now be able so send from any address on this domain

This was fast because Cloudflare propagates quickly it could happen that your provider is slower so you need to wait a bit.

Now my WordPress installation can send emails from any address under domain and WP email will hit my inbox every time.

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