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Creating WordPress Server using WPJack

Prerequisites - connected cloud provider

Before creating a new server, connect your WPJack account to the Cloud Provider.

If you have multiple Cloud providers connected in the Create server form, choose the one where you want to create a new server.

Required properties of each server

Every server requires three pieces of data:

  • Server name
  • Server region
  • Server type

The server region is displaying options from the selected cloud provider. Every cloud provider has different regions.

Based on the selected region WPJack will load server types.

Server type is where you can select instance size, and there you'll see an estimated monthly cost.

In rare occasions it can occur that returned server type is not available when WPJack tries to provision it. In those cases, just choose the other type or change the location and problem should go away.

Optional Properties

Optionally you can add the first domain on the server.

Make sure that you have access to this domain, so you can define DNS records later. Without DNS pointing to the server you won't be able to configure SSL or access the site at all.

Advanced Server Settings

When you expand this section you'll find the Database type selector. You can choose between MySQL 8 (default) and MariaDB 10.

Provisioning Server

Depending on which provider was selected provisioning server takes 1 minute to 10 minutes.

After the server is provisioned, adding a new site takes less than 10 seconds.

WPJack by default will provision server with Ubuntu 22.04 x64 OS, PHP 8.2 and MySQL 8.